My second child, my son, was born at 35 weeks gestation. The probability of having another baby early was high. My nerves were on edge leading up to the 35 week mark. I began nesting intensely in preparation for a possible early delivery. My husband said I was making him nervous and begging me to slow down. I couldn't slow down. Keeping busy was the only thing saving my sanity.
Finally we hit 35 weeks. The entire day I was on edge. I was so close to tears it wasn't even funny. When the day passed I was able to breathe a slight sigh of relief. We had made it one day further than I did with my son, which was a blessing. Each day that passed made me feel better.
Towards the end of the week though, I began having contractions. It was more like a continuous cramp, like a menstrual cramp. It became so bad that I couldn't help but let the tears flow. I was talking to my co-worker by phone and she made me go lay down for a while. So I did. I laid on my left side (as much as I could) for about an hour and a half. I managed to make it the rest of the work day and rested the remainder of the evening.
The next day I decided to call my OB since I was still having cramping. They wanted to see me right away. I went in and they did a check of my cervix. I had not dilated, no thinning, no signs of labor. Relief.
The following Monday I went in for my 36 week check up. I saw a different doctor this time. He measured my belly and said I was only measuring 30 centimeters. WHAT? I had been measuring 2 weeks ahead, then finally evened out to measure the same as my week. How did I go from 2 weeks ahead to 6 weeks behind? I had dropped again and wondered if that could be the case. Plus, my cervix had now thinned, the baby's head could be felt and I was dilated to a 2. The doctor said he wanted to do an ultrasound and stress test later in the week and continue to do them on a weekly basis. I went back in a couple days later for an ultra sound and it showed that the baby measured 33/34 weeks and was proportioned so everything was OK, I was just going to have a small baby. Guesstimate was 4 pounds 8 ounces at that time. So much for this one being my biggest baby.
The next day at work, that same doctor called me. He said he wanted me to have an umbilical screening at my next ultra sound. He said he wanted to make sure the baby was getting enough through the umbilical cord and if she was growing. If not, he would probably induce me. I asked if she could be small due to the fact that she started out a twin? He said he had thought of that and couldn't rule it out. So, for week 37 I was to have a stress test Monday, ultra sound with umbilical screening Tuesday, and another stress test on Thursday. Good grief.
I joked with co-workers and family that I would just walk the baby out over the weekend so I wouldn't have to go through all the extra testing.
On Friday night of week 36, my oldest, my daughter, came down with the stomach flu. By Saturday night I had it too. With this flu you couldn't eat, stayed nauseated, drinks tasted funny too. Finally on Sunday I found that drinking red Hawaiian Punch helped with the nausea so I had a couple of glasses.
A few hours later, the fun would really begin. The adventure that unfolded next would be life changing.
Please see my next post for a full detailed account of my delivery and what I incurred in the hours and days that followed. I am hoping my experience will help someone else that may go through a similar situation and give some first hand insight.