C Bug has been on Gerber Soy now for just over a month and it has helped. However, with her reflux, there really is no fantastic solution. Between the soy and acid reflux medicine, it has improved slightly. As in, no projectile spit up or drenching of anyone's clothes that hold her. But she's still a spewing machine. She can't hold the 21 ounces the pediatrician would like for her to have. Anything over 18 ounces is not staying down. Even with the baby food, she's still spewing. Fun times.
Right now, we are just having to work through it with her. Thankfully, she usually doesn't get upset when she spits up. We've pretty much got the routine down to a science now. A day trip looks like we are going on a week's vacation, but we do what we have to. We always take more than one change of clothes for her, as well as ourselves. Just a few more months and we can get rid of formula all together. I CAN'T WAIT!!!
Honestly, upon talking to other parents, a lot have actually changed their babies over to whole milk before their first birthday, even when pediatrician says not to, due to reflux issues. I haven't ruled that out, but I do want to give things another month to see how things go.
Next week we go to pick up C Bug's DOC Band. More on that in an upcoming post.
Have a great week! Please feel free to share any experiences you have had with reflux in the comments. I'm always open to advice and I hope that through this blog, provide some tips for others going through the same things.