Well, the Bug finally turned a year old! The formula change went well and the spewing subsided. Thank goodness. We were even able to come off of the acid reflux medicine. Now that she has turned a year old, we have been trying to introduce regular milk. My older two had no problem with the switch, but she is proving to be difficult. We tried mixing whole milk and soy per the direction of one doctor, but she would only take it somewhat once it reached room temp. Now we are trying three parts formula to 1 part whole milk. We will gradually increase to just whole milk within the next few weeks.
Trying to transition to a sippy cup is proving to be a trick as well. She has very little desire for one. We are about to try our fourth different style. I'm trying to be tough mom, you know, this is how it's going to be. But when it's 3a.m. and you went to bed at 1a.m. after cramming for a final, you'll do what ever it takes to get some shut eye.
One week before her first birthday, she cut her first tooth. Two weeks later, her second. High fever with both. The first time we took her to the doctor because it reached 103 but they couldn't find anything but the tooth to be causing it. Or "viral". A simple way of saying they have no clue. This time around she got up to 102. Last a day and was treatable with children's Advil. Yesterday though, a week after that fever, I took her in to the doctor for a yellow nose. Result? Nasty ear infection. This is that fun time of year!
I'm getting ready to close out this blog as I am working on a new one for the beginning of the year. I'll post a link when I have it ready. This blog was mainly intended as a place for me to reflect on the challenges of that first year of motherhood, and so I could remember everything I went through. I'm sure there are others out there that may have had the same issue with delivery that I did, I just can't find any documentation out there anywhere. Hopefully my story will help someone else cope with a difficult time.
I wish each and everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!