C Bug is now 7 months old and it is so hard to believe. We are still dealing with the troubling acid reflux and now tummy troubles from teething. At her visit last month, her pediatrician noticed two teeth are ready to come through on the bottom, but when they actual will is unpredictable. At first, she wanted to start gradually pulling C off of her acid reflux medicine, until C projectile spit up 3 times while in the office and it had been over an hour since her feeding. We were hoping that she would start calming down some once she started baby food, but no such luck. I can't go anywhere without taking a change of clothes for her and myself. Not to mention all the people that want to hold her and she spews all over. I think I need to have her wear a warning shirt daily that lets people know what they are in for. Then again, some of them deserve it when they won't let her rest. ;-)
This month the doctor told us to go ahead and try soy formula again. If it constipates her (as it did the one other time we tried it), then we can increase some fruits or fruit juice and just see what happens. She has not gained any weight over the last month, but she has not gained either. She went from 40th percentile in weight at six months, to just 20th percentile. She is also taking less and less formula, which is somewhat normal when a baby starts baby food, but she just doesn't like it. Hopefully this soy will be the trick. The recommendation is at least 21 ounces a day. C is only getting around 17-19, counting what is used to make her cereal. She's spitting up at least a fourth of that. What can I do though? I can't force it down her throat. If you try to get her to take more, then it is definitely coming back up.
Today is day one on the soy formula. The first bottle she was taken aback by, obviously for the difference in taste. I'm not sure how much she will take the next few days though, as her little tummy is all out of whack. I'm talking diapers that don't get changed....she goes straight to the bath tub in the diaper...and the clothes. Yucky bad. I feel so bad for her too. Sometimes, like last night, she just cries because her tummy hurts. At least that's what I am assuming. She cried while eating supper last night and I kept feeding her because she wanted to eat. Trust me, when she's done, she's done. And you know it. Finally she got real quiet and oh, the sound and stench. Then she was able to rest. My poor little C Bug.
As for me, I'm as normal as I'm going to be I believe since having surgery. All moms will agree, there is no real "normal" after you have a child, no matter how the delivery went. My bladder still seems to be in pregnancy mode (peanut sized) and my IBS is about two notches higher on the aggravation scale. But my incision has healed really good and I no longer feel any tender spots. I've been having some issues with my kidneys, like I am constantly getting an infection, but I grew up with kidney infections so that's not too out of the ordinary. The best part about having the big H surgery? NO MORE PMS!!! Since I have my ovaries, I was not thrown into immediate menopause, but from all the research I have done, that may happen in the next two years or so. I'm already a lot more hot natured (usually very COLD natured) and my mood swings are unpredictable, but, C Bug has been waking up at night again so I'm not fully rested all the time. What mom is though?
I'll post again in a week or two the updates on how she is doing on the soy formula. Crossing our fingers and saying prayers that this will truly help.
Take Care,
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