Monday, May 6, 2013

9 Weeks Today

Today marks 9 weeks into the pregnancy.  Another week and 3 days until I can go back for my next ultra sound.  Yes, I am most definitely counting down.  There is this part of me that is praying and begging for the last ultra sound to be a mistake.  Is it possible to be carrying babies that are a couple weeks apart?  Rare, but possible.  It's called Superfetation.  You can already be pregnant and another egg release, and it can happen up to 24 days apart.  Which my doctor agreed was possible, but she couldn't find a heart beat on the ultra sound.  I'm wondering though, if it was just too early to tell?

I'm trying real hard not to get my hopes up about this.  The main thing is focusing on Baby #1 being as healthy as he/she can be. 

I'm also secretly hoping that there is a 3rd baby in there that was missed.  The reason I am hoping this is completely crazy I'm sure.  Have you ever done the "pencil test"?  I grew up where you put a threaded needle in the eraser end of a pencil, then hold the pointed end of the pencil over your wrist.  It begins to move.  A circle means girl, back and forth is a boy.  Mine shows girl, pause, boy, pause a little longer and then girl-immediately goes to boy.  I wonder if this means actually births or just pregnancy?  Anyone ever experience this?  Am I just reaching out on a limb so far it's going to break?

Graciously looking for any advice or experience anyone out there may have had.  Trying not to drive myself completely insane before the next appointment!


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