I'm 35 years old, married for 14 years to the love of my life, and I have two beautiful children ages 5 and 8. After my second child was born my husband and I decided right away that we were done. My son had been born 5 weeks premature and I had had a very uncomfortable pregnancy. So that was that. One girl. One boy. One big happy family.
Fast forward to when my son started Pre-K this past fall. My husband and I had been toying with the idea of adding on to our family, but both of us were concerned about getting "too old". Now I know there are lots and lots of women now a days that are having children way up in to their 40's. But seriously, how do they do it? Where do they get the energy and strength?? Maybe if it's their first and only child, but if they have other children I just don't know how they manage. I was 27 when my daughter was born and had a very easy pregnancy for the most part. My son was born when I was 30 and I swear from month 3 until he was delivered I had so much pain and discomfort that I said if he had been my first, he would have been an only child!
It's funny how after a while you forget all that. The pain, fear, worry and anxiousness. Especially when that "baby fever" starts picking at your insides. You know the feeling. You see babies EVERY WHERE you go. You start thinking about your age and how your biological clock seems to be ticking away. Your "babies" are no longer babies any more, and they don't seem to "need" you as much. But then you start to over think it and decide to wait a little while and see if that fever goes away right? Well after a year of contemplating, we decided to leave it in God's hands and let Him decide what was best for us. In November of 2012 I became birth control free.
It didn't take long at all for God's plan to be seen. In March, the stick turned pink and the whirlwind began. Family members were completely shocked; no one knew we were even thinking about it. (Which trust me, you don't want anyone to know when you're trying. You will be hounded and ultimately someone will embarrass you. Everyone has an opinion and you will get really tired of listening to it.) Even we were shocked that it happened so soon or even at all. I was afraid my clock had ticked out. I was overjoyed. Of course, we told EVERYONE right away. We've never waited before so why start now? I was only about 4 weeks along but it didn't matter, we were not waiting. It was a good thing too because I was sick right away and then my tummy started poking out very quickly.
You have to be further along, some said. It's twins, it has to be twins was the response of most. Double the sickness that I had with my first two children, double the showing of the belly, double the chest size! I knew it was twins. They run on both sides of the family, and I've always felt like I would have twins one day. Now we wait for the first ultra sound at 8 weeks to see!
I hope you will enjoying following along on my journey. I hope that my experiences and honest (albeit sarcastic as can be sometimes) feelings will help someone out there that could be experiencing the same thing. I actually started a craft blog about two years ago, with tutorials and reviews of some great craft and sewing projects. This year has been a roller coaster so far and I haven't been able to show that blog much love, but I felt compelled to start this one. As a mom, or soon to be mom, we need a place to vent or talk through a situation. To be able to get it all out before someone interjects. I'm all for advice and opinions, don't get me wrong. But sometimes you just have to get out your piece first. I've tried journals, but I'm not very dedicated to journal writing. Besides, I may get so wound up in a rant that I wouldn't be able to go back and read my own handwriting.
That's it for now but there is a lot more to come. If you enjoyed my post, please leave a comment below!
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